Financial Aid Software for K-12 Private Schools

Data-driven methodology. A smooth family experience.

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Financial Aid Software for K-12 Private Schools

Data-driven methodology. A smooth family experience.

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Financial Aid Software for K-12 Private Schools

Data-driven methodology. A smooth family experience.

Simplify the K-12 Financial Aid Process

Streamline your workflows for staff while improving the user experience and level of transparency for families. Reach more families — and in turn, increase enrollment — while maintaining thorough reviews and an equitable award methodology . TADS Financial Aid and School and Student Services (SSS) have the tools you need .

Powerful Software Solutions

TADS Financial Aid and SSS merged applications into a single, cost-effective application hosted on Salesforce. Families no longer need to fill out multiple applications or pay duplicate fees when applying to multiple schools. The consolidated TADS and SSS portal offers user-friendly tools and support, advancing the mission of accessible private education for all families. Plus, it provides schools with more options to find a system that suits their needs and goals.

Financial Aid Assessment

SSS and TADS Financial Aid Feature:

Efficient Applicant Reviews

Fast Tax Form Verification

Award Tracking

Enhanced Family Experience

Best-in-class Support

Unmatched Financial Aid Data and Analytics

TADS Financial Aid integrates with TADS Tuition Management so that you can apply financial aid awards directly to tuition agreements and bills . This boosts accurate , on-time payments and helps schools maintain a healthy bottom line.

What Our Customers Say

“ We feel much more confident of the quality of the information we are getting about the family’s situation. We are still able to make our award decisions according to the principles and guidelines we set, but based on fair, comprehensive, and equalizing information.”

Montessori Children’s House of Durham Financial Aid Team

Let’s Serve Families—Together!

TADS and SSS power our school s’ missions to make private education accessible to all families. Our team of experts is equipped to show you how you can streamline your processes and reach more families. Set up a free demo to explore which financial aid solution is right for your school.

Serving Families Together

Financial Aid Resources

Benefits of Bundling


Montessori Children’s
House of Durham


How to Talk About Tuition and
Financial Aid with Families

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do applicant families navigate from our school website to the TADS application?

TADS provides resources for your school ’s website to directly link families from your website to the application. Contact your Implementation specialist or the sup port team for more information.

What formula does TADS use to evaluate applications?

The TADS formula was created by industry experts in the early 1980s and is customizable to meet individual school requirements. The application collects information regarding the family’s income, expenses, debts, and household makeup to provide you with an estimate of what the family can afford to contribute toward tuition at your school.

What is the best way to allocate my available funds to applicants?

TADS provides your school with an estimated family contribution to education based on the information provided on the family’s application. This estimated family contribution, paired with a variety of canned reports available in the system, allows your team to make data-driven decisions regarding your financial aid budgets. You can create awarding buckets to manage your financial aid or scholarship grants and easily award families from these buckets. The TADS system has a notification system where you can create awarding templates to notify families of your decision.

When will I first know the outcome of the evaluation?

You can follow the application status and view preliminary results as soon as the application is entered. In addition, you will receive updates as the applicant completes the process.

How long is my school’s data retained and available?

TADS will retain your data for a minimum of five years. Three years of data is readily available online.

How quickly can the system be ready for the school and families?

Our TADS Implementation Team can have your school ready for applications in approximately three weeks.

What does TADS stand for?

Tuition Aid Data Services (TADS). The software was originally built to manage financial aid. Since TADS was created, we have added tuition management, admissions/enrollment, and SIS/SMS to the product’s offerings.

Is TADS truly paperless for the schools?

The TADS system is 100% paperless for your school which allows you to immediately see information of families who have completed an application or are in process of completing an application.

What if I have a special form to collect from each family?

TADS will add the form to our online application. After the document is uploaded during the application process, the form will be available to view for both the school as well as the applying family.

How does TADS collect documents?

TADS requires applicants to submit documents online via our secure family portal. Documents are available to view immediately upon submission.

How long after an application is entered can I see the results?

The application is viewable throughout the entire process.

How is my school’s data used?

TADS only uses your data to create reports on your behalf. TADS never sells or otherwise uses your data without your expressed permission. The full privacy policy can be found here.

How much does your financial aid service cost?

We have an annual subscription fee as well as an application fee per family. Please email here: if you would like more product or pricing information.

How do parents and administrators contact TADS for support?

Our friendly and knowledgeable in-house staff is available via telephone, or email Monday-Friday. Our hours, phone number, and email address can all be found in the school and/or family portal.

Is Spanish language support available?

Yes. O nline applications are available in Spanish. We also have Spanish-speaking family support during normal business hours.

How do I get reports from TADS?

All your reports will be viewable online and are downloadable.

How do I access documents on file?

Your school can view uploaded documents by clicking on each application or via reports for access to documents for multiple families.

How long does it take to create reports?

Summary reports can be created at any time. Final reports are available after the application period ends and the process is complete.

What support is available?

We have friendly and knowledgeable teams for both school and family support. No matter what the question is, we have a team ready to help

What types of organizations do you work with for Financial Aid?

We work with all types of organizations! From scholarship organizations with thousands of applicants to small organizations with only a few. We serve private schools, sports clubs of all types, dance schools, health clubs, and any organization that needs assistance managing their financial aid.