10 Button Size Mobile App Best Practices


Mobile app buttons should be designed for easy tapping, and should be a consistent size throughout the app. Here are 10 best practices for button design.

Published Dec 20, 2022

Buttons are one of the most important elements of a mobile app. They are the gateway to the user’s interaction with the app and should be designed with the user’s experience in mind. One of the most important aspects of button design is the size of the button. Too small and the user won’t be able to tap it accurately, too large and it will take up too much of the screen.

In this article, we will discuss 10 best practices for designing buttons for mobile apps. We will cover topics such as button size, placement, and accessibility. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your app’s buttons are easy to use and intuitive for your users.

1. Make buttons large enough to be easily tapped with a finger

The size of a button should be large enough to ensure that users can easily tap it with their finger. This is especially important for mobile apps, as the user’s fingers are much larger than a mouse cursor and require more space to accurately interact with an element on the screen.

To make sure buttons are big enough, designers should use a minimum target size of 44×44 points (or pixels) for iOS and 48×48 dp (density-independent pixels) for Android. Additionally, they should also consider adding extra padding around the button to give users more room to tap. This will help reduce accidental taps and improve usability.

Designers should also take into account the context in which the button appears. If the button is part of a navigation menu or other list of items, then it may need to be bigger so that it stands out from the rest of the elements. Similarly, if the button is used to trigger an action such as submitting a form, then it should be even larger to draw attention and encourage users to complete the task.

2. Keep button size consistent throughout the app

Consistency in button size helps users quickly recognize and interact with them. When buttons are the same size, users can easily scan for them on a page without having to search for them. This makes it easier for users to find what they need and complete tasks faster.

To ensure consistency, developers should use a standard size for all buttons throughout the app. The size of the buttons should be based on the average finger size of the target audience. Additionally, developers should also consider the amount of content that will be displayed within each button. If there is too much content, then the button may become too small or difficult to read.

Developers should also make sure that the spacing between buttons is consistent. This ensures that users have enough space to accurately tap the desired button. Furthermore, developers should also consider the color of the buttons. Using contrasting colors can help draw attention to the buttons and make them more visible.

3. Avoid making buttons too small or too close together

When buttons are too small, they can be difficult to press accurately. This is especially true on mobile devices with smaller screens and touchscreens that require users to use their fingers instead of a mouse or stylus. If the buttons are too close together, it can also make them hard to select accurately as users may accidentally tap the wrong button.

To avoid this issue, designers should ensure that all buttons are large enough for users to easily press without making mistakes. Additionally, there should be sufficient spacing between buttons so that users can clearly distinguish one from another. Designers should also consider using visual cues such as color, shape, size, and position to help differentiate buttons from each other.

4. Ensure that all interactive elements are clearly labeled and visible

Labeling interactive elements helps users understand what they are and how to use them. This is especially important for mobile apps, as the smaller screen size can make it difficult to identify buttons or other interactive elements without labels. Additionally, making sure that all interactive elements are visible ensures that users don’t miss any features of the app. To ensure visibility, designers should consider using contrasting colors between the background and foreground, increasing the size of interactive elements, and adding visual cues such as arrows or icons.

5. Test for usability on multiple devices and screen sizes

Testing on multiple devices and screen sizes is important because it allows developers to identify any potential issues that may arise due to the differences in device size, resolution, and aspect ratio. For example, a button that looks great on one device might be too small or too large on another device, making it difficult for users to interact with the app.

To test for usability on multiple devices and screen sizes, developers can use tools such as emulators and simulators. These tools allow developers to simulate different devices and screen sizes so they can see how their app will look and function on each device. Additionally, developers can also conduct user testing on actual devices to get feedback from real users about the size of buttons and other elements within the app.

6. Consider using icons instead of text to save space

Icons are more visually appealing than text, and they can be used to convey a message quickly. Additionally, icons take up less space than text, allowing for larger buttons that are easier to tap on mobile devices. Furthermore, using icons instead of text allows designers to create a consistent visual language across the app, making it easier for users to understand how to interact with the interface. To use icons effectively, designers should ensure that the icon is recognizable and clearly conveys its meaning. They should also consider adding labels or tooltips to provide additional context if needed.

7. Allow users to adjust font sizes if needed

Font size adjustments are important for accessibility reasons. People with visual impairments may need to increase the font size in order to read text on a mobile device, and allowing users to adjust font sizes helps ensure that everyone can use the app.

To allow users to adjust font sizes, developers should include an option in the settings menu of the app. This will give users control over their own experience by allowing them to customize the font size according to their needs. Additionally, developers should also consider using relative units such as rem or em instead of absolute units like pixels when setting font sizes. This ensures that the font size scales proportionally across different devices and screen sizes.

8. Utilize visual cues such as color, shape, and position to draw attention to important buttons

Color is a powerful tool for drawing attention to important buttons. Using bright, contrasting colors can help draw the user’s eye to the button and make it stand out from the rest of the interface. Additionally, using color to indicate different states (e.g., active/inactive) or actions (e.g., submit/cancel) can provide visual feedback that helps users understand how their interactions with the app are affecting its state.

Shape is another way to draw attention to important buttons. For example, making a button round instead of square can give it more prominence on the page. Similarly, adding shadows or other effects to a button can also make it stand out from the rest of the interface.

Positioning is also an effective way to draw attention to important buttons. Placing a button in the center of the screen or at the bottom of the page can make it easier for users to find and interact with it. Additionally, grouping related buttons together can help create a sense of hierarchy and make it easier for users to identify which buttons are most important.

9. Provide feedback when an action has been completed

When a user interacts with an app, they expect to receive feedback that their action has been successful. This can be done through visual cues such as animation or sound effects, or by providing confirmation messages. Providing this type of feedback helps users understand the result of their actions and builds trust in the app.

The size of the button is also important when it comes to providing feedback. If the button is too small, users may not be able to accurately tap on it, resulting in frustration. On the other hand, if the button is too large, it may take up too much space on the screen and make the interface look cluttered. Therefore, it’s important to find the right balance between making the buttons big enough for users to easily interact with them, while still keeping the design clean and uncluttered.

10. Design buttons so they can be used without looking at them

The primary reason for designing buttons so they can be used without looking at them is to ensure that users are able to interact with the app quickly and easily. This is especially important in mobile apps, where users may be multitasking or have limited time to complete a task. By making sure that buttons can be used without looking at them, users don’t need to take their eyes off of what they’re doing to find the button they need.

To design buttons so they can be used without looking at them, it’s important to make sure that each button has enough space around it so that users can accurately tap on it without accidentally tapping on another button. Additionally, buttons should be large enough to be tapped comfortably, but not too large as to take up unnecessary screen real estate. It’s also helpful to use visual cues such as color, shape, and size to differentiate between different types of buttons. For example, using a larger, brighter colored button for an action like “submit” will help users identify it more quickly than a smaller, less prominent button.