Crystal Reports Custom IsNull Function

I am trying to create a custom IsNull Function in Crystal Reports; the function must act the same way as the IsNull Function in MS SQL Server. I want to specify a field, and if the field is null, then it must be returned with a value I have specified.

IsNull(,0) or IsNull(,'Hello World') 

I have encountered that I have to create a separate function for number fields and a separate function for text fields. I also found that Crystal does not allow the use of standard functions inside of a custom function, for instance the ISNULL Function:

Function(NumberVar param, Numbervar setter) IF ISNULL(param) THEN setter ELSE param 
Function(StringVar param, StringVar setter) IF param = NULL THEN setter ELSE param 

Does anyone know how I can create a function like this in Crystal and a work around for the ISNULL inside of a custom function?