Application form questions and help notes – £250,000 to £10million (delivery phase)

Questions from our National Lottery Grants for Heritage – £10,000 to £10million delivery phase application form.

Page updated: 30 May 2023. See all updates.

Use this page to see what we will ask you before you begin your application.

It also includes help notes to help you answer the questions.

You might find it helpful to refer to our application guidance when answering the questions.

Please use clear, simple language when completing your application. Make sure you include any facts or figures that will help us understand what you want to do and why you want to do it.

About the project

Project title

[Automatically pulled through from development stage application]

Is this your organisation’s first application to us?

[Select yes or no]

Tell us your idea

[Text field – 5,000 characters]

In no more than 5,000 characters, please provide a summary of your project. If necessary use bullet points.

Please note that the summary you provide is the only part of your application form seen by decision takers. This is presented alongside our assessment of your application.

Where will your project take place?

If your project will take place across different locations, please use the postcode where most of the project will take place.

Explain what need and opportunity your project will address.

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Why does your project need to happen now?

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Provide information from any further research you have carried out during the development phase. This could include findings about risk to your heritage or conditional partnership funding.

Tell us what advice you have received in planning your project and from whom.

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Provide any information from any further consultation or survey work you have done during your development phase. Where necessary, refer to your activity plan.

Tell us about the people who will benefit from your project.

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We would like to know more about the range of people that will be involved with and/or benefit from your project. Tell us about any action you will take to overcome barriers to involving people with heritage.

Provide specific information about the main groups of people that will benefit from your project, including an estimate of the number of participants. By participants we mean the people who are taking part in your project rather than the people who are contributing their time to help deliver your project.

Tell us how your project has been designed to support an increase in engaging these groups with heritage. Where necessary, refer us to your activity plan.

Does your project involve heritage that attracts visitors?

[Select yes or no]

Will your project be delivered by a partnership?

[Select yes or no]

If yes, who are your partners? Please provide a named contact from each organisation.

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If you are planning on working with another organisation to carry out your project, we would like to see your partnership agreement. This document should outline both partners’ roles and responsibilities and should be signed by all parties.

If your partner owns the heritage you are working on, we will usually ask them to sign up to the terms of the grant too.

You need to provide a partnership agreement if you are working with another organisation who is delivering a significant part of your project.

What measures will you take to increase positive environmental impacts and reduce negative environmental impacts?

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We expect the highest standards of environmental sustainability to be delivered by all the projects we fund. We want all our projects to do their very best to help mitigate against and adapt to the effects of our changing climate and to help nature recover.

How do you plan to acknowledge your grant?

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Promoting and acknowledging The National Lottery is a condition of our grants. Read the guidance on our website for the minimum requirements for doing this. We expect you to develop innovative and creative offers or promotions designed to thank National Lottery players for their support and to raise awareness of your funding.

If your grant is for more than £1m towards a new exhibition space, visitor centre, community garden or other public facility, we would also like to discuss how The National Lottery might best be incorporated into the name of the space or site.

About the heritage

Tell us about the heritage in your project and why it is important to your organisation and community.

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Provide a description of the heritage as it is today. If different types of heritage are involved, describe each of these.

Provide an explanation of what is important about the heritage. Tell us whether it is:

Tell us who the heritage is important to. This could include experts and/or the local community.

Make sure this takes account of any planning work you have done during the development phase, or refer us to your conservation plan if you have produced one.

Select the type of heritage that best describes your project.

Please note you can only select one option.

Select the sub-type of heritage that best describes your project.

For 'landscapes and nature':

For ‘historic buildings and monuments’:

See our website for more information about each heritage type.

Is the heritage considered to be at risk?

[Select yes or no]

If yes, explain why and how you consider the heritage to be at risk.

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Briefly explain why the heritage is under threat, and what actions have been taken (if any) to minimise the risk. It could be at risk of loss through physical damage or neglect, financial shortfalls or people passing on in the case of oral and community histories.

If your project involves a building or a monument, tell us if it is on the buildings or monuments at risk register.

If your project involves several buildings in a conservation area, tell us if the conservation area is on the at risk register.

If your project involves natural heritage, tell us if the landscape, geology, habitat or species is at risk and in what way (for example, identified in a Biodiversity Action Plan as a priority).

Make sure this takes account of any planning work you have done during the development phase, or refer us to your conservation plan if you have produced one.

Does the heritage have any formal designations?

Select all that apply: